Tuesday, August 21, 2007

google docs

I used Google Docs since I already had a log-in from the blog (sweet)
tried several different features - here is the trial document:
This is a test to see how easy it is to create and change
Lists seem pretty easy
Wonder if they can be stopped without clicking the icon
YUP - just press enter twice. It also doesn't leave a blank line after the list. 2 points
Can add words to the spell checker, now I'll have to create another document to see if it remembers my list. Now I'll spell a word incorrectly to see how that works. Choices were good 2 points.
now, to save and create document number 2...

so - my evaluation is that it is nice to have the online version, but I still prefer doing stuff like this off-line and saving it to my hard drive. Guess I'm old fashioned!

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